Friday, January 16, 2009

How can one little boy melt my heart so?

To help set the scene. It has been a busy day. Kids were screaming, wild and a bit needy. To top it off I had an extra kid as well. Emilee had a play date. I spent the day cleaning. Before I know it the clock says 4:40, I am suppose to be ready for dinner with my hubby by 5:00. I rush to get ready. I scramble out the door to the Eric and the kids awaiting in the truck. I plop inside and hear.....

"Oh mommy, you look so beautiful tonight".

Eric assured me he didn't set him up to say that, and then my heart melted.


My Blog said...

you are doing great job raising him- he had to learn that from someone...

Delena said...

Those boys! I'm telling you, there is something so different and special about a mama's little boy.

Cheryl said...

This little guy melts my heart everytime I get to be with him. Believe it or not he is just like his daddy was. What an ANGEL! He LOVES HIS MOMMY SO MUCH!! What GREAT KIDS!!